Take influence from jazz, African, Latin, soul and hip hop. Let the cross-pollination bleed into your footwork. This is house.

Whilst many people appreciate a good crowd pleaser 'party trick' many people face a road block when trying to elevate their skills to a place of mesmerizing effortlessness.

Watch Intro Video

Course curriculum

  • 1

    HOUSE I: Footwork 101

    • An intro to House I
    • How to use this course
    • Before you begin...
  • 2


    • BONUS: The Jack
    • BONUS: Prepping the floor
  • 3

    Module 1: Pas Du Bourree

    • Pas Du Bourree I
    • Pas Du Bourree II
    • Pas Du Bourree III
    • Module 1 Combo
  • 4

    Module 2: Shuffle

    • Shuffle I
    • Shuffle II
    • Module 2 Combo
  • 5

    Module 3: Loose Legs & Swirl

    • Loose Legs
    • Swirl
    • Module 3 Combo
  • 6

    Finale: The Mega Combo

    • House I Megacombo
  • 7

    Bonus round

    • Congratulations! Here are some bonus resources


See what other people have to say

We get it, dance studios are intimidating.

There's mirrors, there's fast choreography and there's a room full of people with different needs and different skill levels. This is dance class on your own terms. You have the ability to pause, rewind and replay. It's not too late to start learning.

a woman dances in her bedroom and speaks to her anxiety around stepping into a dance studio.

Pricing options

Prices in $AUD of our stand alone courses:

  • $89.00

    $89.00House I: Footwork 101

    Footwork basics that teach you about the genre of house dance.
    Buy Now $69 AUD
  • $69.00

    $69.00House II: Bonus Material

    Bonus footwork plus an intro to getting in and out of the flooR without smashing your kneecaps. Winning!
    Buy Now $89 AUD

Why not go a package deal?

Buy a package and save some coin. Prices in $AUD

  • $99.00

    $99.00PACKAGE DEAL: Beginner I & II

    Both Beginner 1 & 2 courses for less than the price of 5 studio lessons. Winning!
    Buy Now $99 AUD
  • $99.00

    $99.00PACKAGE DEAL: House I & II

    Both House I & II courses for only $10 more than the stand alone House I course. Boom.
    Buy Now $99 AUD
  • $179.00

    $179.00PACKAGE DEAL: All courses

    ALL FOUR courses. Cover basic grooves, party dances, footwork, floor work and choreography across the entire online series. Save $137 while you're at it.
    Buy Now $179 AUD

It's not too late to start learning how to dance.

Whether you'd like to shake off a stressful week, learn how to dance without looking awkward or level up and learn some legit moves, we have a course for you.

Umm so what are you waiting for?
a woman dances to the Groove Therapy beginner adult online course in her home.